
Carl Jacobsen’s Correspondence Archive



Helge Jacobsen

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Juni 18. Aften

Min egen kære Dreng Helge.
Jeg har skrevet til Vagn i Begyndelsen af ugen. Jeg har været syg, er det endnu destoværre, saa der bliver ikke noget af Turen til Old England for mit vedkommende. Køb dig en Guide over London. Du vil derved faa at vide om disse sidste private collections Wallace og Tait Galleries etc. and there are lovely works of art there, besides the

Wallace coll. being given in the house itself with furniture and carpets, hangings, which add to the comfort of the whole establishment. What ever clothes you require, get them at Christie so as not to lose your time in London trying on, and do look tidy and nice and have what one uses over there. How I should have enjoyed a London trip and to have seen the different sights with you and Vagn would have been quite delightful, but my health is so poor that there can be no talk of such a trip.
I must have done too much

at Bornholm, cause .... and have been ever since.
To day Theo has a big dinner all the dear old creatures Grannie, Beste, Jacobine, Agnes and others twenty four in all. Baby is a splendid little creature, doesnt loose his trousers now, they are now arranged, so as ... and we others have pleasue of that piece of useful clothing. Try and find out something for Mary, and if you cant then give her a £ 1 each to buy something with. I have just sent a pretty present over to Vagn this evening, 18 June, and I

hope he will think it nice. The pin is long, as it is so nasty with the short pins to the big modern hats. Give him my love and tell him it is sent off. It costs 1 £ in Danish money, so it is a handsome Pin. Now my sweet dear boy, look well at Westminster, get up early before Papa, and go out and look about you, take Hyde Park early when the 2-aristocracy ride, it is a side of London life, see Irving af you can, whether Papa cares to or not. Whitehall where Charles I. was beheaded is not facing the street, one has to go in behind, opposite the Horse Guards. Give all my love to the Tower, the staircase where the two Princes were found, etc. oh dear dear me. Love to dear W. Urquhart. I am longing to get her photo.
Mary and Vagn a hug and to your self from Mama



Engelsk, Danish


Ottilia Jacobsens brevpapir med monogram øverst tv. Øverst th fortrykt Ny Carlsberg V.


Carlsberg arkiv 92/1985