
Carl Jacobsen’s Correspondence Archive



Carl Jacobsen

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14 Marts 1874 [ tilføjet med blyant af Carl Jacobsen]
4 Dronningens Tvergade
Saturday Afternoon

Dear Mr. Jacobsen
Just permit me to thank you many times for the lovely Phillepine present that was waiting for med today when I came home; then next for the lovely verses of Musset which are really beautiful both in thought and language. Still one can at once see through those passionate verses that it was only a momentary affection he had for Minon. Six months is such a very short time that very few people especially those of a lively and impulsive character, can be quite sure if their feelings are of the right kind of love that binds them for ever so I hopethat Musset was careful not to pay his vows till he was perfectly sure of himself, or or minon to answer them till she had had occasion to try herself. This is now my opinion as you would say with a furious look ("Dette er nu min Mening") and I will not change it till I am convinced that I am wrong. Again with many thanks
Believe me
Yours very sincerely Ottila Stegman





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